Who else's mama read those red paperback books with Fabio on the front? That's about as spicy as my mama got when I was growing up. So when I told her I wrote a romance, she expected it to be along those lines.
But nah... I wrote an MFM with some details, and she was like...
I honestly thought about not telling her at all, but I was so damn proud of myself I spilled the beans. Plus, she's my best friend.
I asked her to write up her version of the night that I told her about The Games We Play, and its GOLD. hahaha.
Allow me to introduce you to JJ, my mama: a teacher for 25 years (including my Biology and Anatomy teacher), the kind of woman that would take the shirt off her back for someone, and my biggest fan DESPITE my use of the C word. hahaha. Take it away JJ.
“I need to tell you something. But I’m scared.” My thoughts are now conjuring up the worst case of, “Oh shit, I’m going to have to help her bury a body!”
“I wrote a book.”
As relief washes over me, I smile and remember my own romantic masterpiece. Well, I am sure that chapter one is Pulitzer Prize material. Chapters 2 - 45 still reside somewhere in my undisturbed imagination. I wonder if hers is as good as my fantasy Silhouette romance will be?
But it doesn’t matter. I am her mother. I am super proud that she has completed a full novel. I mean, who does that?
"What kind of book?" I asked.
“It’s a sports romance. I was always told that you should write what you know.”
And my girl knows sports! She could write a book on baseball that would rival the knowledge of the most successful MLB coach. After all, she has been watching and studying that sport since she was in elementary school. And what woman doesn’t dream about the perfect romance?
“I want you to read it. But not Dad.”
Well, that won’t be a problem. Your Dad doesn’t even read instructions.
“There’s more,” she whispered.
Ok, now we are getting somewhere. Here comes the big secret, the reason we are sitting in a corner booth of a dark downtown restaurant with our heads leaning together in covert fashion.
“It’s a little different from your normal Harlequin romance. A little spicier.” Well, ok. I like a little extra detail every now and then. “And it’s an MFM.”
I am not sure what that is, but when MF is put together I only know one meaning so an extra M can’t be good. Is this some kind of new generation speak that I am not privy to? What is that?
“It’s about two males and a female,” she kept explaining.
Ah! I’m relieved. It always is. Two men competing for one woman or two women fighting over one man. Sounds legit to me. I can’t wait to read it!
Fast forward.
My daughter has published a novel. It's an actual book. I am completely immersed in The Games We Play. Kace and Cam are two men I can dream about. I love the banter among the main characters. But whoa, just as I get to my first intimate moment, my head begins to spin. Where in the Waldo did she dream that up? Did this come out of my daughter’s head? How does she know that?
I am a little embarrassed to think that she has allowed me to see into her personal, intimate life. I mean, in her words, you write what you know! Holy guacamole! She was so right, her father cannot read this!
I’ve read many more books since the first novel. The spicy scenes continue to make my head reel. But the stories she tells are true magic. I am simply in awe of her creativity and the stories that develop from her very disturbed imagination.
I think we will just continue to keep her daddy’s reading record at ZERO!
Later, I explained to my mother that I had never been in an MFM situationship, but I wished. HAHA! I hope you enjoyed her take on learning how I wrote a book for the first time.
Do you have any questions for JJ? I'm hoping to get her to write again for me. I bet she secretly LOVED it. And one day, I hope she finishes HER book. The one she started years ago, and only wrote Chapter One of, and never went back to it.